OCT 2022 - JUN 2023


Sunmud is a skincare company based in San Diego, CA. We were asked to design a logo that reflected the full scope and use of their product line while simultaneously demonstrating the benefit of being all natural, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Additionally, these core values needed to be translated to their packaging, marketing materials, and website.

The goal was to reflect the fact that this product is made from 100% natural product, safe for all skin as well as the environment in a fully sustainable packaging.

TECHNIQUE: Illustrator / Photography Fuji XT-10 / Photoshop / Lightroom

#1 Logo

We chose an elephant for the main logo design to convey the necessity of constant skin protection from sun in natures harshest environment. The clean lines and earthy brown tones were chosen to reference the all natural elements of their product line, and the splash of water symbolizes the product being used.

#2 Packaging

The packaging design further emphasizes their core values by being both reusable and recyclable. Other details were added to specific products highlighting the specific features unique to Sunmud.

#3 Photography

The packaging design further emphasizes their core values by being both reusable and recyclable. Other details were added to specific products highlighting the specific features unique to Sunmud.


Collected Design Studio